Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Religious Police

That is how the commentary described the Religious leaders in John 8:1-11. You are not doubt familiar with the story... the woman caught in adultery. I hope this makes since today... I seem to have a lot of thoughts going around in my head this morning, I will try to organize them into something that will be an encouragement to you today...

It started yesterday evening. Some coworkers and I were having a discussion about someone possibly moving into our area. The problem for us was that this person was struggling with some different issues in his faith. I had to ask myself, who isn't asking themselves questions as we continue to read, learn and hopefully grow in Grace and Knowledge? Sometimes though when someone asks questions about things that we feel have already been answered in our lives and mind, it makes us a little nervous, especially if this person could confuse some of the more recent converts that are still growing and learning and very impressionable. Natural concerns. I understand that and I have them myself. So the question is how do we handle this situation? I am sure that you have your own ideas about that and you can leave me a comment if you would like, but I am going forward....

This morning as I was folding laundry (yea, that's me trying to be helpful), I was listening to A Capella. In one of the lines of their song they made reference to the religious leaders and how they were handling the woman caught in adultery. With my mind still thinking over the discussion from the night before I took time out to read and re read this account again. What became quite apparent to me is that in some ways these religious leaders are not the 'bad guys' we make them out to be... at least they better not be, because sometimes I find myself doing some of the same things that they are doing... Matt. 23:23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cummin.“But you have neglected the more important matters of the law — justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” There are so many levels to this story of the woman... Today I want to ask myself if I do the same thing that these guys did. Do I know "the word" so well that I am going to squeeze everyone into my box of what it means? Do I have all the answers? Have I arrived to the place where I have all the answers because I know what the Word teaches on every given subject? Please know that I believe God's word is true, without a doubt. I just don't believe I have arrived to the point that I can totally analyze it correctly in every situation. I hope I am still learning, that implies that I don't know everything... problem with that is that leaves me open to not have all the answers. But I know I don't have all the answers, I know that no one does, but there is a since that I need to have all the answers, especially if someone has a question... Okay, I told you this was going to be a mess! My mind is racing, I don't want to say the wrong thing, but I am doing a bit of rambling.

It is natural for me to want to protect those who are new born babes in Christ. It is normal for me to want to keep people away that seem like they want to cause problems and divisions. But I want to continue to learn. I want to recognize that God is in control and He is aware of ALL situations going on in not just my life and the people close to me, but your life and the people in your life too! I want to be in a place where if someone is struggling with their faith and what they believe that I can be the person that is so approachable that they feel so comfortable talking to that we can pray together and look at God's word and we can both learn and grow... One of my favorite teachers at Harding (and one of the toughfest on me too) was Dr. Edward P. Myers. He said something in class one day that really impressed me and helped me in my journey to grow and learn more about God's word. He said, "In regard to this set of passages, I am going to tell you my take on it... today. I want to continue to think on it and try to be open to understanding it better. But, this is where I am with it today." It was and is refresing to me that a professor in a university can tell students he is still learning. Yes, he did make us have to duplicate what he told us about that set of scriptures an the test later that week, and if we didn't recall it like he taught it we got the question wrong... :-) Ha, of course, he was teaching a class, but I think you understand why that is important to me to have heard him say those words.

Know what you believe. Continue to study. Be open to growth. Do not be threatened by someone that believes differently than you do... listen, you might learn something. Also, by listening to others, you have a better chance for them to listen to you, it is called discussion. Conversation, it is a beautiful thing, difficult sometimes, but great. I don't want to be a member of the Religious Police. I want to be a simple messenger of Christ. Paul penned these words and I think they are applicable today:

1Co 2:1 When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.
1Co 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
1Co 2:3 I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.
1Co 2:4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power,
1Co 2:5 so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.

Thanks for your moments today... Hope I didn't loose you in my rambling...
God bless you this day. Go out and be a blessing to someone else today!

1 comment:

April said...

Thanks for your thoughts Mark. I think we all need to be reminded of this sometimes.