Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Change… or not?

  1. Think for a moment…
    1. How have things changed in the way you live, just in your lifetime?
      1. What are three things that have been developed since you have been born?
    2. For me that is a little bit easier, I have been around longer :-)
      1. Microwave oven
        1. Consumer use began in the 60's
      2. Color TV
        1. okay they were actually developed in the 50's but no one could afford to have one until the 60's
      3. Video Games
        1. Atari started in the 70's
      4. Personal computers
        1. Yes, we had computers when I was young, but they were the size of a large room and no one had them at home
        2. My first computer was a Vic 20
          1. 5 KB (not mb) of Ram
          2. Came out in 1980
        3. Next was the Commodore64
          1. 64 KB of Ram
          2. Came out in 1982
      5. Handys (Mobile phones)
        1. The first produced for public use was in the 70's
          1. Bag phone
          2. Brick phone
      6. We went from LP records to cassette tapes to cd's to mp3
        1. We didn't have Ipod or Iphone
  2. All changes have not been positive or good changes
    1. The worlds attitudes about things have changed
      1. Marriage
      2. Sex outside of marriage
      3. Modest dress
      4. Abortion
      5. Honesty, integrity, ethics
    2. Many times I feel like many people in the world call me "square" (uncool) or an "old fogy" (too retro) if I hold to my Bible beliefs
      1. I am not "with the times"
      2. I am not living in the "real world"

  1. So what do we do when the world trashes the good things, Biblical teachings through its change in thinking?

  1. In Psalms 11:3 David talks about the same problem, only many years earlier
    1. What would good people do if the wicked destroyed all that is good?
      1. This is the question for us tonight
      2. What will good people, people following God, do about negative changes in our world?
  2. David gives us the solution by revealing 3 things about God here in Psalms 11
    1. Let's read this together
    2. Focus on vs. 4: (someone read this verse again, please)
      1. The Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord sits on his throne in heaven. He sees everything that happens. He watches people closely.
    3. 3 important things about God
      1. God is holy
        1. His holiness is unthreatened by an unholy world
        2. His standards set forth in the Bible for Holy living do not change just because people's opinions change
      2. God rules!
        1. Things changing here on earth do not change the fact that God rules in heaven.
        2. He allows things to change here, but all people will give an account for how they lived their lives.
      3. God sees.
        1. He is aware of what is going on
          1. On this earth
          2. In each of our lives
            1. How each of us choose to live
  3. God who is HOLY, and who RULES in heaven over all creation, also SEES everything that is going on in HIS CREATION.

  1. Read vs. 7 again
    1. The Lord always does what is right, and he loves seeing people do right. Those who live good lives will be with him.
    2. God's way is the best way.
      1. God made a way for us to be with Him, through Jesus Christ
      2. Change will happen, sometimes good sometimes bad
        1. We need to follow God's way