Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It is December...

I don't know about you, but I can hardly believe that this year, 2008, is almost over. Karen and I are excited about our daughter Elizabeth and our son in law Chris coming to visit us in Chemnitz for Christmas. They will be here tomorrow. Here in this part of Germany, the Erzgebirge, it is so beautiful this time of year. It is so hard to describe if you have not ever seen it before... almost every town of any size at all has a Weihnachtsmarkt. That is a Christmas market. They have lots of lights, lots of decorations, lots of smoker men, lots of hand carved wood dolls and soilders,lots of food, lots of things to drink, and lots of Christmas spirit. It is a different feel. It is a very busy place this marktplaz, but even with so many people looking, talking, and eating it is something that they are doing together. Not the husstle and busstle of a Walmart in the states. It is a refreshing time of family and friends enjoying this special time of year together. It is so encouraging to me to see so many references to Jesus and his birth and his life. I know we don't know when he was born... but we do know that he was born, then he lived, and then he died, and then he rose again to provide a way for us to come to the Father, through Him!! So as you experience Christmas, where ever you are and however you and your family celebrate it, remember that Jesus was born and came into this world for a specific reason, to be the WAY for us to come to the Father. Enjoy your family and friends as you eat, laugh, and talk together as we are able to spend time together and always be thankful for that special gift that God gave us! I hope that you have a wonderful new year!