Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Remember when?

Take a moment and think... I know, we are often so busy that we do not really take the time to sit in silence and just think. I come from a world (and a personality) that assess and then makes a quick decision and then move on to make it the right decision. Ha, doesn't always work out the best, but you already knew that didn't you? Okay, I am sidetracking. Think! Think back. What are a couple of your favorite memories. Take time to think over that question. Once you have thought of two (I know, it is hard to stop because one remembrance always leads to so many more) take a few moments and relish in those memories. Okay, it is also okay to let you mind wander a bit and think of where those thoughts lead you... How cool is that? God made us so that we could remember. Yea, I know, sometimes it is a bit painful, because we also are blessed to remember the hard things, the things we made mistakes in and the sorrows that we have experienced in life. But, I believe, God in His infinite wisdom knew and knows what is best for us. In other words, to remember even the bad times helps us not to repeat the mistakes we have made. To remember the tragedies in our lives helps us to identify with others who cross our paths that need true understanding, empathy not just sympathy, for what they are going through. As we met with other Christians yesterday I mentioned these things. I shared with them two of my favorite memories being, one my wedding day with Karen. Two or better put two and three, the birth of our children Elizabeth and Maranda. Even as I shared these precious times of my life with these people, painting a picture of why these were and are such incredible times for me, I began to think on even more... the girls becoming Christians, them getting married, Karen and I celebrating our 30th anniversary, the girls have kids... How cool is it that we can remember? I am just saying, it IS COOL! I am glad that we have a Father that made us in such a way that we can do this. I do realize that many of you who will read this have also been on the other side of that fence. What I mean is dealing with someone, probably someone you love very dearly, that is or has suffered from memory loss. How hard, how tragic, how difficult to deal with that situation. YOU know even more than I do how precious memories are. Thank you Father for giving us those memories of the ones that you have so blessed our lives by having them in our lives. Thank you. I am thankful that each and every Sunday, that I have the privilege to meet with fellow Christians and take the time out of our ever busy and hectic lives to take a few minutes to remember Jesus. We remember his birth, his life as a young man, his ministry, his death, his burial, his resurrection, his return to the Father and his promise to return for us and to take us to our home of being with him and with God for all of eternity. I am glad that we take this time to remember Jesus. I am glad that each week we choose to start our week with him in the center of our thoughts and remembrances. We are a blessed creation. We have the ability to remember. From those memories sometimes we learn not to repeat our mistakes, from some of those memories we are saddened by the loss of those we love, sometimes we just sit with a smile on our face and enjoy how incredible it is to have experienced so many special things and people in our lives and sometimes we remember that, because of Jesus, the tough times in our lives we know are only temporary and the great times in our lives will only continue to be greater as we share those memories and our being with our Lord and Father. We have eternal life. We remember Jesus. And all he has and is doing for us as we live on this earth. Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you are encouraged by the things your read today. If so, take a moment and give God the praise and thank Him for His incredible love for us! God bless and have a blessed day! Or as a dear friend of mine always says, "Be good and do good!". (Thanks Sarah!) For Him and with His love, Mark