Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Following directions...

Honestly, not one of my strong points. I tend to try to do something, and when all else fails, read the directions. Did I just say that? Or was that my wife? :-)
Alas... I am learning.
I think about a cabinet that I had bought recently. Here, many times when you buy a cabinet, what we call a Schrank, it is in pieces and you have to put it together. I do love me some IKEA furniture, all the instructions are in picture form. Ha.
But, this cabinet was not from IKEA, so the directions, even though they had a few pics, were mostly words. Ugh. So, Larry was over to help me put it together. We open the box and start to take out all the pieces. Then we start, randomly I must say, to try to fit pieces together. Let's just say that did not last long. We then began to look at the directions. When we followed the directions, well, yes, things went much smoother.

I was thinking about that as I read John 15:1-17 today. Think about these two verses from that section of scripture:

Jn 15:4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me.
Jn 15:5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

Jesus is talking about being connected to God. We are connected to God through Him, Jesus. Notice that in these two verses he states that we can not grow more fruit, personally or numerically, when we are not connected to God through Him. Then he goes on to say that we can do NOTHING if we are not joined to God through Him.

He talks about remaining IN him. How do we do that? How do we stay connected to God through Jesus? Look at verse 10:

Jn 15:10 When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love.

Jesus tells us how to remain IN him, just like He remained IN the Father... by obeying. If we live following Jesus' teachings and examples, we remain in the Father's love. We remain connected to the Father.

Jesus is the greatest instruction manual of all times. He gives us a picture of how to live. He is our living IKEA instruction booklet! When we seek to follow his example, even though we WILL mess up, we are still connected to the Father. That means we are bathed in His love, His grace, His forgiveness and His guidance in our lives. That my friend is GOOD NEWS and a great instruction manual.

May your life be blessed this day as you allow God's word to work in your life.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am back...

I do enjoying posting on this blog... even though I do not use it as much as I used to. But when I have thoughts just running through my mind and I cannot seem to get them fleshed out... I often turn here just to ramble. So here it goes...
Tonight is English Bible Study in Leipzig, Germany. I am finishing up on my lesson and one thought leads to another... ever had that happen. ha, of course you have.
We are looking at the Sermon on the Mount. Tonight we will look at Matt 5:21-22. It deals with anger, or really, when you strip away everything, it deals with matters of the heart. Where is your heart? If it is in the right place, we will treat others better. I am always going back to Matt 7:12 when I read about how Jesus is telling us the best way to live. It seems to continue to come to me as a backdrop to all of these things... treating others the way you WANT TO BE TREATED. Jesus is always dealing with our hearts. Encouraging us to do what we do because our hearts are in the right place, with Him. Underlying that thought is the two greatest commands ever given, Love God and Love Others.
When we really, I mean really do this... Love God, Love others, treat others the way we want to be treated... we will have arrived. When we are trying to fulfill these things, we WILL BE BETTER PEOPLE AND THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE. A little heaven on earth, because YOU are trying to be a better person, trying to be more like Jesus Christ. Many times I focus on my shortcoming, my failures... today, I want me and you to think about the ways we are loving God, loving others and treating other the right way. Pray about this, think about this and strive to not just do better, but acknowledge that God is working in our lives and He is making a difference in this word THROUGH US! It is high time we give our God and Father some credit for working and making a difference in our lives!
I am not saying be satisfied where you are at, what I am saying is look how far you have come... because of God living in your life.
May God continue, not only to bless you, but continue to make you a blessing to others that you come in contact with this day... THIS DAY.
Thanks for taking time with me today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 2011

I know, I know, it has been forever.
I am taking a course through Harding University, called People Helping. In this course I have been reading about how important it is for our relationship with our Father to be where it needs to be, should be, where He wants it to be, so that we are better prepared to help others. I know, seems simple, but how much time do you dedicate each day to enhancing your relationship with your creator? Do not be offended, I have been asking myself the same question.
One of the things that I have been trying to do, and just for the record it is very difficult for me, is taking time three times each week just to be SILENT. I call it my silent time with God. Going into a room, by myself, and taking a specific amount of time (I am starting with 10 minutes) and just sitting there, with my eyes closed, no one else in the room... except God, and sitting in complete silence. At first you will hear every noise that is in the house. You will hear everything that is going on outside the house, it is as though you have been given the gift of super sonic hearing... but you sit, and you listen. God often comes in a whisper. For me that means it is often soft, subtle and I have to listen hard to hear it. It is also a time for me to experience God. God is timeless, He is not in or bound by time... think on that one a bit. In my silent time, I am not bound by time. Okay, I have committed time to sit quietly, but in this time, there is no time. I know, it sounds a bit different, but it is how I feel. Some days I hear God speak, no I am not crazy. Some days I sit the whole time and fight the urge to pray to Him. I can not hear Him if I am too busy talking to Him.
Anyhow, I do know that this time dedicated to trying to listen to my Father's influence in my life is time well spent. It is not easy, to do, to explain and even to understand, but I do feel it is a time, specifically dedicated to God. It brings me nearer to Him. When I am nearer to Him, I am better prepared to Help Others.
Agree? Disagree? That is okay too! Think I am crazy? Perhaps. But I do want to do what I can to deepen my relationship with my Father. How about you? What ways, what disciplines are you trying to do that bring you into closer contact with God? Let me know, I am interested, both in what you are doing and your response to what I am attempting to do. Thanks and God bless. Until the next time....