Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am back...

I do enjoying posting on this blog... even though I do not use it as much as I used to. But when I have thoughts just running through my mind and I cannot seem to get them fleshed out... I often turn here just to ramble. So here it goes...
Tonight is English Bible Study in Leipzig, Germany. I am finishing up on my lesson and one thought leads to another... ever had that happen. ha, of course you have.
We are looking at the Sermon on the Mount. Tonight we will look at Matt 5:21-22. It deals with anger, or really, when you strip away everything, it deals with matters of the heart. Where is your heart? If it is in the right place, we will treat others better. I am always going back to Matt 7:12 when I read about how Jesus is telling us the best way to live. It seems to continue to come to me as a backdrop to all of these things... treating others the way you WANT TO BE TREATED. Jesus is always dealing with our hearts. Encouraging us to do what we do because our hearts are in the right place, with Him. Underlying that thought is the two greatest commands ever given, Love God and Love Others.
When we really, I mean really do this... Love God, Love others, treat others the way we want to be treated... we will have arrived. When we are trying to fulfill these things, we WILL BE BETTER PEOPLE AND THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE. A little heaven on earth, because YOU are trying to be a better person, trying to be more like Jesus Christ. Many times I focus on my shortcoming, my failures... today, I want me and you to think about the ways we are loving God, loving others and treating other the right way. Pray about this, think about this and strive to not just do better, but acknowledge that God is working in our lives and He is making a difference in this word THROUGH US! It is high time we give our God and Father some credit for working and making a difference in our lives!
I am not saying be satisfied where you are at, what I am saying is look how far you have come... because of God living in your life.
May God continue, not only to bless you, but continue to make you a blessing to others that you come in contact with this day... THIS DAY.
Thanks for taking time with me today.

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