Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Making a splash

Okay, it is getting warmer here, ha, up in the 50-60s this week and I naturally think about getting outdoors. I am amazed at the number of German people who want to go swimming whenever it starts, yes I said starts to get warm. The water is still to cold and yet people get in and splash around. Not me, it is still too cold. :-) But it has me thinking about making a splash in a different way. I know we are all terminal. We are born and then we proceed to the day until we die... I know that it sounds like I am being negative, but I do not intend to be that way. I just realize that death is as much a part of living as being born. But that is not even really my point, my point is, what kind of difference do we make while we are here on this earth. Let's face it, I am not Brad Pitt (no comments on that one please). My splash in this world is not the same as his... how about yours? How do we measure our splash, our effect on the world? Do we get to see all the ways that we have influenced others? How do you feel about your splash so far? Sometimes mine feels like a bellyflop. As Karen and I ate breakfast this morning we were discussing our influence in our world. We were pondering ways that we could make our influence a more positive thing. As we were talking, I was again gained the realization that, yes I want to be a positive influence on this world and to the people that God puts in my path, but it really is NOT about me. It IS about God. I want to be the person He designed me to be and use the talents he has given me and to share his love with those I come in contact with and trust that He will make the difference in these peoples lives. It is God's mission to bring the world to Him. Revelation and reconciliation. Showing Himself to the world and reuniting them with Him for a wonderful, eternal relationship. Okay, maybe my splash in the world is not as big as oh Brad, but you know what, God has blessed me to see how my life, love and following Jesus, has had an effect on other people. I have had the opportunity to make a positive influence on other people in this world, sometimes helping them, sometimes guiding them spiritually, sometimes helping them through difficult times. God has allowed me to see how my life has had a positive effect on some of the people I know, I am thankful for that. What I hope to do is continue to shine for my Father and hopefully make an impact on many other people for him, whether I know it or not. I am in the water... I am splashing away... giving praise and glory to my Father. Have a great day. Mark