Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What are you looking at?

Was reading in Hebrews today. Man, is there a lot there or what? As I was reading through the 11 chapter, I ran into this verse: Heb 11:27 It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt. He was not afraid of the king. Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible. What struck me so profoundly was the last part, "...he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible." Let that soak in a minute. I had to. When I think about looking at something, I am so thankful for sight. I can see the beautiful nature God has made, I can see the many people that are walking in the city that I live in and I can see my wonderful wife sitting next to me at the breakfast table who has been my helper and encourager for over 30 years now... When I think of invisible, I think of Harry Potter's famous cape... I think of not seeing something. So how do the two come together, seeing and not seeing? The writer of the Hebrews letter tells us that Moses kept his eyes on God. He listened to God's direction, even when it did not make since to those other people in his world at the time. How blessed we are to have the scripture! We get to see the before, during and after picture of God's plan for planet earth and its people. How cool is that? Before you decide I have totally lost it today, let me make a suggestion. Think over your life. I bet where you are right now you would have never seen yourself there 10 years earlier, am I right? It is true for me. Now, as you think about that, think deeper, think about how God has directly lead you into specific directions that have lead you to this point in our life. Yea, you know they are there. They are sometimes hard to explain, because we don't often get a burning bush in the wilderness talking to us like happened to Moses. But, you know them, you remember them and you are thankful that you can see God working in and through your life. That is us keeping our eyes on the one who is invisible. He is visible in our lives, but mainly through how He chooses to work through us in His world. For me it is knowing, for example, that the people that God puts in my path in my daily life, are not there by accident, they are there so that our paths will cross and I have the opportunity to get to know them, influence them or be influenced by them. Seeing the invisible can sometimes be tricky. Ha, there is one of those statements that is small but says a lot! I think the answer also lies in the same verse. The author tells us that Moses, "kept his eyes on" Him. He was LOOKING FOR HIM. This is a lifestyle, this is a walk this is a way of life, everyday. Moses did not know what his future held, but he did know who did hold it, and Moses sought to follow that guiding. A good example for us. Look for the invisible things that God is doing in your life. Expect God to work in your life and then be bold enough and brave enough to follow that direction. You have been doing it, some of us for a very long time, keeping doing it and strive to look more, to see more and to follow more the directions of your maker, redeemer and friend. How blessed we are to have the scriptures. How much more blessed we are to have a Father that loves us, provides for us and waits for us to spend eternity with Him in His presence!! Have a blessed day. Mark

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