Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


As I sit here this morning, in Leipzig, Germany, after just a little over six weeks of traveling, visiting, making presentations, preaching and enjoying time with family that included being there for the birth of our second and third grandchildren, I can say that I have been so encouraged by our trip back to the states. Seeing family and friends is always very encouraging. Being in worship services in Paradise, California, Edmond, OK, Lawton, OK, and in the Little Rock, AR area were absolutely incredible. One of the most encouraging things for me to realize is the overwhelming feeling that I felt that God's people are breaking out of the mold of "doing church" and really seeking to deepen their individual relationship with our Father. This is something that has been on my heart and mind for me personally. As I consider Jesus response to the question of what is really important, ie, the greatest command in Matt 22, I am reminded that Jesus thought loving God was the most important thing that we can do as we live our lives. He expresses that this is done by using every fiber of our being, physical, spiritual and intellectual. Everything that we have and are to love and serve our Father. Jesus said that was what is important. Continuing to develop our relationship, to grow it, to nurture it, to cultivate it, to spend time and effort doing what we can do to deepen it and make it more real and meaningful in our lives EVERYDAY! But he didn't stop with just that thought, he said that we needed to love others also... those in the family of God and those that are not yet a part of the family. The religious expert only asked for one command, Jesus gave him two. Jesus gave him the answer for our lives. He did not just give him an answer to satisfy his need to "do what he had to do". No, Jesus told him the secret of scripture... It is about love, God is love and we as his children love Him and seek to share and show that love with those that we come in contact with everyday, both in and out of the body of Christ. I think it is sooooo easy to get busy doing good things and forget to spend the time we need and aught to deepening our relationship with our Father. Know what I mean? You have a list of things to do, people to help, lessons to prepare, people to visit... and yet no time to spend with our Father. We need time, in His word for growth and direction, in prayer for communication with Him seeking His guidance and direction and developing a deeper awareness of what it means to be His child, and we need time of silence. A time to listen to what He has to say to us. The last is often, for me, the most difficult. Sitting, not letting the millions of distractions of my world interfere with my personal quite time with my Father. Listening to His direction, seeking to feel and understanding the moving of the Spirit in my life. Why is this so hard? It seems quite simple that if I want to have a deeper relationship with another human being, I must spend time with this person, getting to know them and letting them get to know me... but so much of the time I spend my time talking with my Father, but not so much time seeking to hear Him.Sounds a little one sided, yea? I think so. So, I am striving to find more balance in my relationship with my Father. I spend time talking with Him, but I also spend time in quite, just seeking to hear His direction. Talking and listening, it takes both to have the relationship that we both want to have. I said I was encouraged. I am. I see that people that I had the privilege to visit are seeking the same thing. Making it real, not playing church. Not being a part of a club, but being a family. A family seeking to get to know our God and Father in the deepest possible way. Seeking to share what they are finding with those who do not yet know our Father. I must confess, I am not there yet... I guess it is one of those lifelong journeys. But I am encouraged by seeing how His people are striving to serve Him and get to know Him on a deeper and more intimate and personal level. I have a renewed strength as I too seek to explore how to better my relationship with my Father. I have a friend, that generally the first question he asks you after seeing you is, "How is your relationship with God/Jesus?" That makes some people very nervous... he gets right to the point, right to the heart of the matter, right to what is really important in this world... and he puts you in the hot seat, if it is not being a priority in your life. I have seen people squirm when he asks them, I have also seen people not even flinch, because, even though they feel like they would like to improve, they are walking, talking and listening to the Father in their daily lives. How about you? Where are you at today? Are you ready to take it to the next level? Ready to get to know the Creator in a more intimate and intense way? How is your relationship with your God and Father? I think these are questions that we must ask ourselves on a regular basis. These are questions that we need to be asking each other on a regular basis. So, if you are not where you need/want to be... get busy, start making some changes. If you are doing well, look around you, talk to some other people, ask them the difficult questions and then seek to help them improve and deepen their walk with the Father. Love God, love others... this sums up God's plan for man. How cool is that? Thanks for reading, thanks for considering what I am sharing. Got some input? I would love to hear your ideas, responses, even disagreements. May God bless us as we seek to serve Him, love Him deeper and allow His Spirit to make us into the people He intended for us to be. My you be a blessing to someone this day. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. Mark

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Mark, I am always encouraged and challenged as you share from your heart. Thank you! It was great to see you both too!

In His Service,
