Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's August 2008

Man, can you believe it? It is August 2008! Karen and I are starting to box up things... books, dishes and glasses that we don't use to often, stuff in the keller Raum (cellar room) that we can start organizing to load in the truck and so on. We have divided the work into days, you know it is better to pace yourself, otherwise you are likely to get ahead of yourself for fear you won't have enough time to get all the things you need to get done actaully all done. Karen has been laboring over the kitchen issue. We must buy a kitchen. We are so blessed that we have the monies to buy it, she just wants to be responsible with the money and get the most for what she is willing to spend. I only have to put it together. This is a lot of fun for me. Please keep us in your prayers as with each passing day we are closer to actaully loading up this moving van and driving across the country of Germany to our new apartment. It is gonna be an adventure. A friend of mine, Don Williams of North Little Rock, Ar, once told that if you ever 'let go and let God' you better have your rollerskates on. Well, I think Karen and I are in for another fun ride. God is good and does so take care of us. He stretches us often, but always provides. More later. Take care.

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