Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just some thoughts...

I talked to a dear friend on Sunday and she made the comment that I had not blogged in quite a while... seems like I have a pattern of that. The internet is great! We have blogs, Facebook, news from any country in the world and our own websites. The problem is... keeping up with all of it. I know, I know, those of you with a smart phone have the possibility of keeping up with it through your phone. Shocker! I do not have a smart phone. :-) I do have an Ipod, that is pretty cool if you ask me, but still limits my access. But maybe, that is good. Sometimes we just need time away from all of our electronic devices. Don't fall over in your chair! Yes, Mark Abercrombie just wrote that last sentence. It is on the record and is available for the whole world to see. Ha. But really, it is true. It is so easy to get caught up in catching up with friends, family and issues and situations going on in the world that we get so busy using our electronics that we forget to be STILL. I believe that in most societies stillness is underrated. What I mean is that stillness is seen as someone being lazy. It is, from an outwardly worldly view, a waste of time. But from a Christian view, it is a time of recharging. It is a time of listening for and to God. When we are so busy (even when we are doing good things) we do not take the time just to be still and listen. Try something today. Call it your challenge for the day. Find 15 minutes today when you can just go in a room alone. No computer, no TV, no radio, no humans, no animals, No DISTRACTIONS and just grab your Bible and take a seat. Spend the first 5 minutes in prayer to your Father. Ask Him to speak to you this day. Don't say a word. Open your Bible to whatever page happens to open. Read a short section and then just stop... sit in silence thinking about what you have read. Do not seek to analyze it for the information's sake, seek to let what it is saying sink into your innermost being. Think about why it is in the scripture. This is God's word. He gave it to us because He wants to reveal Himself to us. Why is it in this collection of writings? What is God trying to share through this short passage? What does it mean for you today? NOW LISTEN!! I know, I repeat, I know it will not be easy. It goes against the very existence that we have become used to... we want/have to be busy doing something. But try, for the next 5-10 minutes, just sit and think about what you have read, and try to hear God's direction. Just relax, it will not come like a bolt of lightening. we are told it scripture that it often comes in a whisper. Listen for your whisper. I think if you make a regular practice of this, it becomes easier to hear God's voice, direction. We need that. God's word is more than just information about God, it is what God wanted us to have and know about Him. The Bible is not our God, God is our God. He wants a relationship with us, He doesn't want us to have a "relationship" with His word. His word is so that we can draw closer to Him. Use God's word to guide you towards God. Think I am crazy? Try it. You will see that I am not. As we live in this world, we seek to show the world God. God showed us the best example of who He is through Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to show people who God is through our lives seeking to be more like Christ. What a great opportunity! Listen to God's direction and voice. Allow Him to speak to you. Remember, His spirit resides in you! LISTEN. I would love to hear about your experiences. Let me know how this "discipline" draws you into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with our Father. Thanks for your time and your love for our Father! Mark

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