Today's Verse from Heartlight (NIV)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Endure or enjoy

Karen made a comment to me the other day and it really caused me to rethink some things in my life. She said that sometimes as we live our lives we must endure through the tough times. As I thought about enduring... I thought, it is true, sometimes just enduring and making it through a hard time is sometimes all we can do. Then things get better. I know that is okay for the really hard things... like someone close to you dying or surviving when your mate up and leaves you... but what about the things in life that are not so drastic. What about those things in life that are just not as much fun as other things. Like having to learn a new language, or moving to a new city, or going to some activity that really stretches you and makes you get out of your comfort zone?

What it really made me think of was the many times that I have gone ahead and done the RIGHT THING because that is what I am suppose to do as a Christian... but really on the inside only really was committed to enduring the event or function, just get it done and over with and then move on to the next thing... Well, I have to tell you that I am working on a new philosophy. It is called enjoying these things. Okay, I am not saying that it is easy, what I am saying is it is a mindset. For example, German. It is not easy to go to class and feel stupid so much of the time... Okay, humor me a little, I know that is an exaggeration, but sometimes when we are learning something new, it takes time, a lot more time than we want it to take and it gets old and .... you get the point. That is the point you tell yourself, all I need to do is keep doing it... it will be over one day and then you will be able to speak German fluently... or do what ever it is that you are doing and wish it was over... But how about instead of me having the attitude that I cannot wait to get this over with... I try and ENJOY what I am doing while I am learning. Novel idea huh? But not always an easy one to do.

If you think about it, it really is simple. We make up our minds about the situations that we are in or that lay ahead of us. We make a choice to be happy about it or to be upset or angry about it. When we know something is coming up and we are not looking forward to it, perhaps a good way for us to deal with that is to DECIDE that we are going to enjoy what ever lays ahead. I know, I know. I can hear you now! I realize this cannot work for everything, but maybe it can work for more things that you think it can. Look for the positive in every situation! I would venture to say that if you look, you will find something positive that can come out of almost any situation. Think about how you being more positive will also be an incredible witness to who Jesus Christ is! I hope you can enjoy the different things life gives to you. It will make you more pleasant and will really encourage other people that you come in contact with. God bless you!!

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